Peter Cassidy
Recent Posts
March 05, 2023
STOP. THINK. CONNECT. Messaging Convention (STC) announced plans for a new epoch in the advance of the global STOP. THINK. CONNECT. campaign, refocusing and relaunching the global campaign to emphasize guidance for young people and school-aged youngsters navigating the technical and social risks that attend contemporary ICT usage.

February 15, 2023
Messaging Convention (STC) seals partnership with Swiss NGO Netpathie to deploy the STOP. THINK. CONNECT. cybersecurity awareness campaign in Switzerland

November 08, 2022
STOP. THINK. CONNECT. Cybersecurity Awareness Adopted by Kazakhstan National Computer Emergency Response Team

October 28, 2022
Cyber Awareness Interdisciplinary Consortium Ireland Launches STOP. THINK. CONNECT. Cybersecurity Awareness Campaign and Cybersecurity Awareness Lab in Ireland

October 25, 2021
CAPA 8’s agenda for this week’s launch of the PARA. PIENSA. CONÉCTATE. campaign in Argentina – and subsequent discussions of awareness and education’s role in managing contemporary cybersecurity risks – is ambitious as it is imaginative. As follows:
Latest Posts
- STOP. THINK. CONNECT. International Online Safety Awareness Campaign Enters New Era With Focus on Young Adults and Student ICT Users
- Netpathie of Switzerland Joins the Global STOP. THINK. CONNECT. Cybersecurity Awareness Campaign
- National Computer Emergency Response Team of Kazakhstan Joins STOP. THINK. CONNECT. Cybersecurity Awareness Campaign
- STOP. THINK. CONNECT. Cybersecurity Awareness Campaign Launches in Ireland in Coordination with National Awareness Lab
- Argentina Launches PARA. PIENSA. CONÉCTATE. Campaign at Tierra del Fuego Kick-Off Event
- Choosing your Cybersecurity Career Path
- Help! My IT Employee Went Rogue
- Child Identity Theft
- #ChatSTC Twitter Chat: May the Cyber Force Be With You
- #ChatSTC Twitter Chat: Now Matters – How Are You Fighting Cyber Threats?